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Fan Picture

(Not actually Sophie and Charlie)

Friends and Family
Paring Between
CharlieB14(Charlie) and Sophie the r5er(Sophie)
Close/Best Friends, Dating, Kissed,

Both Alive. ^-^

This is a real life pairing of our very own Charlie and Sophie.Sophie liked him months before he got the courage to ask her out.They bare now living happily across the street from each other.Not that it changed.Charlie(CharlieB14) is in desperate love with Sophie (Sophie The R5er).No matter how much they annoy each other leading to kicking,they have a soft spot for each other and that'll never change.They love each other maybe not in love but maybe so.But they are best friends until the very end whether dating or not.You couldn't ask for more than a happy relationship.

Other Names[]

  • Sophlie (Soph/ie and Char/lie)
  • Cophie (C/harlie and S/ophie)
  • Sharlie (S/ophie and C/harlie)
  • Soarlie (S/ophie and Ch/arlie)
  • Chphie (Ch/arlie and So/phie)
  • Charphie (Char/lie and So/phie)
  • Soharlie (So/phie and C/harlie)
  • Chophie (Ch/arlie and S/ophie)

A note from Charlie to Sophie[]


Charpie Songs[]
